- Fully implement structured roadmaps with milestones and
- Continue to offer programs, services, and academic supports
in multiple modalities to meet student needs
- Support the development of fully online programs
- Develop z-degrees and increase usage of Open Educational
- Continue to implement and support equity-focused faculty
inquiry groups, across both CTE & non-CTE disciplines
- Implement creative strategies and supports to increase
successful transfer-level math and English course completion for
degree-seeking students within their first year and close equity
- Continue to support completion counseling interventions and
re- engagement strategies to support student persistence
- Continue to analyze disaggregated course, program, and
institutional student learning outcome data to identify and
implement actions to improve student learning
- Identify ways to remove barriers inside and outside of the
classroom so adult learners (+25 years of age) can attend class
while managing other aspects of life (e.g., parent and me courses
with kids doing schoolwork while parents are in class)
- Identify and implement additional strategies to increase
FAFSA application submissions and increase awarding of Pell
grants to students
- Expand and encourage opportunities for co-teaching across
disciplines and amongst faculty of diverse backgrounds, cultures,
races, identities, and abilities to promote authentic
collaboration, celebrate diversity, and learn from one another to
support equitable student learning and success.
- Continue to enhance student-centered scheduling practices