DREAM Services & Advocacy

A person looking for online resources at a library

Legal Resources

Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization. MALDEF promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.

National Immigration Legal Services Directory is a nonprofit organization that provides free or low-cost immigration legal services by state, county, or detention facility are included in this directory.

National Immigration Law Center is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

Immigrants Rising empowers undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional and policy transformation.

Community-based Resources

Long Beach Immigration Right Coalition (LBIRC) provides important workshops on Know Your Rights as well as referrals to free legal consultations and legal clinics. 

Centro CHA, Inc. provides various community services in Long Beach. They offer citizenship/immigration integration as well as various programs in education and workforce development. 

Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services manages several public health centers as well as housing and public health programs. 

My Undocumented Life blog is to provide up-to-date information and resources to undocumented immigrants.

United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation. Their powerful nonpartisan network is made up of over 100,000 immigrant youth and allies and 55 affiliate organizations in 26 states.


What is the CA Dream Act?

The California Dream Act is a law that consists of two assembly bills, AB-130 and AB-131. This allows students that meet the AB 540 criteria to apply for and become eligible to apply for state-funded financial aid.

What does it mean to be Undocumented?

An undocumented person is a non-citizen who entered the United States without legal immigration status who continued to reside within the U.S. after their authorization expired. 

Undocumented students are diverese, some qualify for DACA while others do not, and some may refer to themselves as DREAMers, while others prefer the term undocumented.

Can Undocumented Students Still Attend College?

Yes. They may attend college or university in California as long as they are accepted/admitted. They may also avoid paying out-of-state tuition by meeting the AB 540 requirements.

Who is the California Dream Act for?

  • Undocumented students who meet AB 540/AB 2000 criteria
  • U visa holders
  • AB 540 eligible students who hold a Social Security Card obtained through Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): DACA holders are not eligible noncitizens

What is the eligibility criteria for AB 540?

  1. Must have attended a California high school for 3 or more full academic years (between grades 9 through 12, inclusive and does not need to be consecutive years); AB2000 modifies this section, to also include students who attain credits in a California high school equivalent to 3 or more years of full-time high school coursework and a total of 3 or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, secondary schools, or a combination of those schools.
  2. Must have or will graduate from a California high school or have attained a G.E.D.; or received a passing mark on the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE).
  3. Must register or is currently enrolled at an accredited institution of public higher education in California.
  4. Must file or will file an affidavit as required by individual institutions, stating that the filer will apply for legal residency as soon as possible.
  5. Must not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, E, etc.).
Be advised that you may need to provide proper documentation to prove eligibility, such as high school transcripts.

How to Apply for the CA Dream Act

The California Dream Act Application is available online at the CA Dream Act. Apply by March every year. When the student completes the California Dream Application, the results will be sent to the Financial Aid office at LBCC once it is processed. 

If you are a returning student, you may simply update and renew your application. AB 540 students who have a Social Security Number and meet the citizenship requirements can submit a FAFSA. Disclaimer: You must be a U.S. Citizen, permanent resident or on a special visa such as parolee.

What Financial Support is Available to Undocumented Students?

Undocumented students may qualify for a California Grant by completing the CA Dream Application by the priority deadline March 2. The student may apply to pay in-state tuition and be exempt from the Non-resident tuition fees by completing the AB 540 Affidavit (California Non-resident Tuition Exemption Request form) and submitting it to Admissions and Records Office. These students are eligible and encouraged to apply for scholarships. Please visit the Scholarship Resources and LBCC Foundation Scholarship pages.  

What is DACA and can I apply?

DACA temporarily defers deportations from the United States for undocumented youth that meet specific requirements. It also grants a two-year, renewable work permit and social security number for employment purposes. First-time DACA applications are not being accepted. However, if you previously secured DACA you may continue to renew your benefits.  Please visit National Immigration Law Center for the most current updates on DACA.

Where can the Affidavit Form be Found?

Visit the California Dream Act page at LBCC to download the California Nonresident Exemption Request form. If you need assistance, visit the Admissions & Records Office.

Affidavit Form

Forms Check List

These are documents that may be requested by the Admissions & Records office and Financial Aid Office:

  • High school official transcripts
  • College official transcripts (if transferring)
  • Affidavit AB-540 (CA Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request Form)
  • Residence Reclassification Request Form
  • Residence Questionnaire Form
  • CA DREAM Act Dependent/Independent Verification Form
  • Tax Transcripts

It is important to provide Admissions & Records with proof of your high school graduation and school attendance to avoid out-of-state tuition and delays to financial aid.

Helpful Reminders

We want you to be successful at Long Beach City College. Below are some important tips to get you on track:

  • Holds prevent you from registering for classes, review your LBCC student Viking Page for important action items
  • Constantly check your Viking email for deadline reminders
  • Apply for Scholarships
  • Stay connected
  • Determine eligibility for AB540 and the CA Dream Grant

Who Can I Reach Out To?

If you need more information, please contact Jose Gutierrez