Other/Outside Resources
Resources for our LBCC parenting students



Female open hand against a rustic stone effect pink purple banner background with the word COMMUNITY above surrounded by a word tag cloud


  • Hope Housing for Students
    Services: Provide hope to community college students experience housing instability
    Phone: (626) 999-1856
    Email: hopehousing@theshowerofhope.org

  • LBCC Safe Parking Program
    Services: on-campus providing a safe and convenient location to sleep in your vehicle overnight
    Contact: For more information
    Email: applybasicneeds@lbcc.edu
    Phone: (562) 938-5045
    Benefits: Safe and secure place to sleep overnight, Wi-Fi, restrooms/showers
    Hours: 10:00pm – 7:00am (no re-entry after 11:00pm)

  • Long Beach Multi-Services Center for the Homeless
    Services: serves as a ‘one-stop’ location for most of the emergency and transitional shelters in the city of Long Beach
    Phone: (562) 570-4500
    Location: 1301 West 12th Street, Long Beach, CA 90813
    Intake Hours: Mondays – Fridays at 8:30am (Bring ID)
    Webpage: https://www.longbeach.gov/homelessness/

  • Long Beach Rescue Missions
    Services: Emergency shelter
    Phone: (562) 591-1292
    Location: 1430 Pacific Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813
    Intake Hours: Must arrive to shelter before 4pm
    Webpage: https://lbrm.org

  • New Image Emergency Shelter
    Phone: (562) 822-7657
    Webpage: https://www.newimageshelter.com

  • Interval House Crisis Shelters and Centers for Victims of Domestic Violence
    Services: Domestic violence shelter
    Phone: (562) 594-4555 (24/7 Hotline)
    Webpage: https://intervalhouse.org

  • Women Shelter of Long Beach
    Services: Domestic violence shelters for women and their children
    24 Hour Hotline: (562) 437-4663
    Phone: (562) 437-7233
    Email: info@womenshelterlb.org
    Webpage: https://www.womenshelterlb.org

  • Su Casa, Long Beach
    Services: Domestic Violence Shelter
    24 Hour Hotline: (562) 402-4888
    Webpage: https://sucasadv.org


  • Bike Share For All
    BSFA provides eligible residents, college or university students, and workers in Long Beach with a $5 annual rate for Long Beach Bike Share. The City’s bike share program is a reduce cost membership plan available to anyone enrolled in a qualifying federal or state assistance program.

    Phone: (562) 570-3456
    Email: LBBikeShare@longbeach.gov

  • Long Beach Transit
    The LBCC Strong Beach Bus Pass Pilot Program offers all currently enrolled students the opportunity to receive a free LA Metro GoPass.

    Email: basicneeds@lbcc.edu

    The only criteria are that a student is enrolled in the current term (including for example full-time, part-time, in-person, online, credit/non-credit, and dual-enrollment students).

    For students to receive the free LA Metro GoPass:

    • Log in to your Viking Portal.
    • Click the Viking Student Systems tab.
    • Click Student Services, and under “My Participation Agreements” submit the LA Metro GoPass Agreement.
  • Dial-A-Lift (DAL)
    Services: a curb-to-curb shared-ride paratransit services exclusively for individuals with qualifying disabilities who are unable to use LBT’s fixed-route bus system
    Cities: Long Beach, Lakewood, Signal Hill, Paramount
    Contact: Dial (562) 591-8753 for Dial-A-Lift information or additional question. Visit accessla.org, dial (800) 827-0829 (Toll Free) or (800) 827-1359 (TDD).
    Email: cserv@accessla.org

Household Resources

  • Low-cost Broadband Internet
    Eligibility: if anyone in your home is currently enrolled in SNAP, WIC, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, or any government assistance program – your household is eligible.
    Text: INTERNET to 211-211 to start the process on your phone.

  • Christian Outreach in Action
    We provide free diapers once a week to parents in need Diaper Bank Distributed outside of our 3rd. St. doors (Corner of 3rd. & Linden)
    When: Fridays: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
    Requirements: Must provide a form of legal documentation for your child (Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, Medi-CAL benefits card, etc.) MUST be parent or legal guardian, and Child needs to be present. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!

  • The California Earned Income Tax Credit