Transcript Evaluation & Credit Transfer
Course evaluation & credit transfer requirements


College-level coursework completed at another regionally-accredited college or university may be applied to LBCC certificate, degree, or general education certification requirements.

Official transcripts received by LBCC Admissions and Records from other institutions (e.g. other community colleges or universities) will be automatically evaluated if 1) the student has met with an LBCC counselor to create a Student Educational Plan and 2) the student is enrolled in at least one course at LBCC.  NOTE:  US Veterans and LBCC Student Athletes will automatically have outside transcripts routed for evaluation.  Students may schedule a counseling appointment to create an educational plan at:  Students may have their official transcripts (transcripts sent directly from the college) emailed to (do not email official transcripts to yourself and then forward to the listserv).  Students will receive an email (LBCC uses the email provided by the student on their LBCC application) when their transcript has been routed for evaluation and when their transcript evaluation is complete.  Students who have questions about their transcript evaluation or this process can email the LBCC Transfer Center at  Additional supporting documentation may be requested by LBCC faculty in order to evaluate coursework.  Students should be sure to monitor their email for requests from LBCC to ensure timely completion of transcript evaluations.

Transfer Evaluation System

The Long Beach City College Transfer Evaluation System (TES) is available to help determine if courses taken at other schools are comparable to Long Beach City College courses, based on faculty review. Students pursuing a course of study for transfer to a CSU or UC should also refer to ASSIST, the official repository of Articulation for California public institutions (community colleges, CSU, UC).

The information contained in these pages may be subject to change and do not serve as a guarantee of transfer credit. Every effort is made to ensure listings on the following pages are accurate. For clarification of any information please contact the Articulation Office. The pages do not take the place of a counselor. Students must complete the Transfer Evaluation request and meet with a counselor to officially apply transfer credits to their program of study at Long Beach City College.

Please note the following guidelines when viewing the Transfer Evaluation System (TES).

  • The curriculum at LBCC and other schools can change over the course of time, meaning courses from other institutions may not be comparable to an LBCC course year to year. Because of this, it is extremely important to look up courses based upon the year in which they were actually taken.
  • Courses not yet reviewed by LBCC will not be displayed on this site.
  • Meet with a counselor to discuss your external credits, preferably after the Transcript Evaluation process is complete.

How to look up comparable course listings

  1. Find the school you wish to compare a course within the listings.
  2. Select the course you wish to compare. If a course equivalency is listed, be sure to check the Begin and End Dates for the years the course was reviewed. If the course was completed outside the stated date range, it will be reviewed by staff or faculty when your request is submitted and based on the year the course was completed.

If a course is marked as  “No Comparable Course,” this means that LBCC has reviewed the course and either does not offer a similar course or the material differs from that taught at LBCC. Such courses could possibly still be used as electives or towards general education requirements. To verify if a non-comparable course meets the requirements, please meet with a counselor.

General Education Reciprocity

Coursework completed at another college or university may also meet an LBCC general education (GE) area even if the course is not directly comparable to an LBCC course. When possible, GE coursework will be granted area credit based on the requirements it fulfilled at the sending school at the time it was taken. However, the GE requirements of the previous school must be comparable to those of LBCC. Please note that this standard does not extend to graduation proficiencies (e.g. Writing, Mathematics).