Understanding your Placement Results
Viewing your test results in the Viking Student System


Your placement results will be available in your Viking Student System under View My Placement Results. If you do not see your placement results, or have questions about your placements, please contact the Assessment Center on either campus for assistance.

You can view placement sequences for English, Reading, Math, and ESL Sequence of Classes.

Note for Math placement

Before you enroll in a math course, please see a Counselor to discuss the most appropriate math sequence based on your educational goal and major. Students who wish to take a math course lower than the level recommended may do so without the approval of the Math department. Students who have completed math courses in high school or another college and want to take a course that is higher than their course recommendation should take the following steps:

If a student received an A or B in higher math courses in high school (in the past 4 years), please contact the Math Department or Admissions & Records, as they may be eligible for a higher placement.

  1. Obtain a Prerequisite Course Evaluation Form from the Admissions Office.
  2. Attach an official transcript or copy to the form.
  3. Submit the form and transcripts to Admissions & Records. Students may also see the Math Placement Advisor regarding course placement in high-level courses such as pre-calculus and first-semester calculus.
  4. Math Course Sequence Chart
To see information about our college’s placement results go to our College Placements Results page.
To learn more about your rights as a student to access transfer-level coursework, please visit our AB 705 page.